
BIN 26

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Located in the heart of Back Bay, Bin 26 Enoteca was designed as a distinct concept for a wine bar that serves Tuscan Italian food. As such, the material attributes of the space emphasize wine making, bottling and storage as the theme. Cork and glass are used throughout the space in unique and unexpected ways. Cork, for example, is used as flooring, seating and wall finishes, while bottle storage doubles as wall and ceiling surfaces, and also lighting fixtures. The project was fast track, with design and construction taking place within a four month period.

Principal In Charge:
Nader Tehrani

Project Design:
Nader Tehrani + Monica Ponce de Leon

Project Architect:
Dan Gallagher

Project Coordinator:
Cathlyn Newell

Project Team:
Richard Lee, Harry Lowd, Jiyoung Park, Sean Baccei, Lisa Huang

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