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The design of the Laszlo Files are based on new possibilities afforded by the use of computer numerically controlled (CNC) technology. There are two cabinetry types. They are both conceived as monolithic objects –like butcher blocks — that are carved out of massive pieces of stacked plywood. Accordingly, traditional distinctions between functional and symbolic elements – tops, fronts, hardware, structure, surface — are eliminated in lieu of a smoothed and singular strategy; all aspects of the design are accounted for through the act of routing into the depth of the wood. 

Both pieces of cabinetry are designed to accommodate both repetition as well as variation, an option easily afforded through digital modeling processes.  So too, each piece capitalizes on three-axis milling techniques to produce artificial and invented graining as a result of the striations latent within laminated plywood constructions. The first cabinet is composed of a stacked laminate counter top whose lines run parallel to the cabinetry front. Consistent with the top, the cabinetry front laminates appear as extensions of the end-grain. The front is routed out in a fashion to create a smooth transition from the counter top extending the end-grain down the cabinetry front — turning the corner, as it were. The second cabinetry type is composed of stacked plywood that run perpendicular to the cabinetry fronts. The end-grain turns the corner and descends the fronts in a continuous fashion so as to enhance the monolithic nature of the piece. 

Project Design: Nader Tehrani, Monica Ponce de Leon, R. Shane Williamson

Project Team: Jeffrey Asanza, Richard Lee

Fabrication: R. Shane Williamson

Photography: John Horner

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