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The presence of massive infrastructural elements—highways, metro-rail systems, commuter stations—is a fact of the contemporary city. Yet, one finds few examples in recent history where their colossal presence has been addressed in urbanistic or architectural terms.  As a result, while cities’ infrastructures have developed a great deal in the past three decades, they have done so to the detriment of urbanistic and public aspects of the city. 

This proposal treats three different moments in Miami as a means of addressing some of the programmatic, urbanistic, and architectural potentials of infrastructure. This proposal first operates at a planning level, attempting to reorient Miami’s public towards one of its great natural resources, the Miami River. Secondly, this proposal deals with the transformation of three typical pieces of infrastructure—the highway overpass, the drawbridge, and the elevated metro-rail—as catalysts for public life. The iconographic specificity of each proposal was seen as rhetorically crucial to create a link with Miami’s history, but also to give an air of reality and a sense of cultural immediacy to schemes that may otherwise remain utopian. 

The Miami Avenue Drawbridge

Project Design: Monica Ponce de Leon and Nader Tehrani
Project Team: William Cate, Matt LaRue, Rusty Walker
Special thanks: Peter Lofgren

The 826 Overpass

Project Design: Monica Ponce de Leon and Nader Tehrani
Project Coordinator: Victor Sant’anna
Project Team: Denise Ha, Colin Smith

The Metrorail Arcade

Project Design: Monica Ponce de Leon and Nader Tehrani
Project Coordinator: Colin Smith
Project Team: Denise Ha, Victor Sant’anna, Brandon Gamble

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