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The project is an urban design and open space framework for a series of civic destinations along an 11.6-mile loop of the Papago Trail; the trail follows existing large-scale irrigation canals. The proposed spaces respond to specific physical, infrastructural, and urban conditions along the trail; they serve as navigational marks, create civic destinations, and solve problems of access, continuity, and identity. 

These hybrid landscape-infrastructures accommodate ecological process, public art, and richly changing light and water displays along significant transportation corridors. Proposals include activity nodes, excavated civic rooms that establish connections between recreational, automobile, and hydrological systems, and diversion gardens, civic spaces made possible through diversion of floodwaters.

Project Design: Monica Ponce de Leon, Nader Tehrani
Design Team: Tali Buchler, Kristen Giannattasio, Hansy Luz Better, Christine Mueller, Stoss

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