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The Pieter en Pauwel site is designed around three ideas. First, we propose the idea that the building defines the edge of the street, along Pieter Benoitplein, acting as an urban backdrop to the plein while extending the retail spaces at its base to give human activity to the street alongside the church. Second, we propose to the idea of extending the east-west street behind the apse of the St. Pieter and Pauwel kerk into the site, extending the perspective all the way into the cemetery. The street is carved out of the proposed housing block, and thus, the threshold into the street is defined by a pair of row houses that have been raised to allow for public access. While this offers pedestrian access to the school and cemetery, it also organizes all the public aspects of the program on the north and south side of the street.
Third, while the housing block is generally defined by four separate legs, in actuality the entire housing program is conceived as one building, in order to maximize efficiency, standardizing structural systems, combining cores, and gaining a better net to gross square footage. It is organized as a bar building that is folded five times, establishing strategic relationships with each neighboring context: the west onto Pieter Benoitplein, the south completing the south yard, and to the north overlooking the cemetery framing the north yard. The massing of this block is in harmony with that of its neighboring buildings, and steps up the topography incrementally, following the sidewalk, the street, and the grain of the city.
Design Principal, Principal in Charge: Nader Tehrani
Principal: Monica Ponce de Leon,
Project Architect: Dan Gallagher
Project Coordinator: Remon Alberts
Design Team: Lisa Huang, Arthur Chang, Rich Lee, Harry Lowd, Catie Newell, Ellie Abrons
Lucal Architect: Bureau Bouwtechniek, Antwerp
Structural: Studiebureau Mouton, Gent
MEP: Ingenium, Brueghes