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This design for the expansion of the Rose Art Museum proposes a new entrance and administrative space for a museum which, over the years, has become an assemblage of disparate and poorly-connected elements.  The design, providing a new public face for a growing museum, takes advantage of the museum’s original 1961 building by Abramovitz, reinforcing its salient features, while correcting some of its spatial and technical limitations.

Project Design: Monica Ponce De Leon, Nader Tehrani
Project Coordinators: Julian Palacio, J. Penn Ruderman
Model Coordinator: David Jefferis
Project Team: Krists Karklins, Ghazal Abbasy, Sean Baccei, Lisa Huang, Ethan Kushner, Remon Alberts, Mariana Mogilevich, Jeanine Dias Gaylor, Joel Lamere, Cynthia Gunadi

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