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In an exceptional moment in the dynamic between nature and the city, we build an architecture of strong urban form that extends the city out towards the mountains, while drawing in the natural ground of the mountains to engage the city. While the green roofs offer performative benefits –amplified insulation, the creation of oxygen, the diversification of flora—it also finds a formal, aesthetic and symbolic function for this environmental imperative.  With a blended strategy between object and fabric, our design posits the topological surface as an architectural figure that can give form and identity to a large expansive site while holding clusters of program together in a loose yet conjoined unity.  

Like the city’s night-markets — streets, alleyways and urban spaces extend through and beyond the pleats of this surface creating opportunities to intensify difference. The site plan is conceived in sectional terms, as mounds and valleys, as canyons and ridges, whose shapes and volumes are based on changing topological relationships between the contained program and their corresponding skin—from the small venue Live-Houses, to the main Music Hall, to Pop Field, which functions as an amphitheater, an outdoor park, and a setting for various public events. 

Client: Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government

Principal in Charge: Nader Tehrani
Project Design Monica Ponce de Leon, Nader Tehrani
Project Architect Daniel Gallagher
Project Manager Lisa Huang AIA, LEEP AP, Richard Lee
Design Team: Arthur Chang, Melissa Harlan, Kevin Lee, Jonathan Palazzolo, Remon Alberts, Sarah Dunbar, Tom Beresford, Harry Lowd, Jeff Dee

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