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The Voronoi diagram is adopted in this installation for the Vita Brevis exhibition due to its ability to establish a key reciprocity between its parametric and structural qualities. Using the dark void of the Powder Magazine on Georges Island as site, the acrylic installation is conceived as a structural skin that appears to the eye only after its retina adjusts to the interior’s tenebrosity. Using the form of the installation as way-finder, the public is encouraged to enter on a path that circumnavigates the object and discovers its many spatial, material and organizational properties before exiting on the opposite side.
Composed of two distinct structural systems – surface active and form active—the geometry of the installation unfolds seamlessly from an undulating wall to a vaulted dome, thus escaping the traditional typological aggregation that is assumed of opposing systems. The cellular organization operates in a similar manner to structural coffering, yet finds a way to adapt itself to the varied tectonic requirements of the ground, the wall, the arch, and the dome. The cells are mass customized—ranging from cylindrical, to cubic and polyhedral conditions, helping the form to arrive at structural stasis.
Fabricated out of PETG (glycolised polyethylene terephthalate ) panels, all units are CNC (computer numerically controlled) milled from flat sheets, making the installation constructable without any deformation to the material units. Thus, no panel was heated or stretched into shape, but rather was simply bent to closed cells by the alignment of predrilled rivet points. In total, the installation has 600 cells and 15,000 rivets, made out of 125 sheets of .02” thickness.
Institute of Contemporary Art, Vita Brevis
“Art on the Harbor Islands”
Georges Island, Boston, MA
Principal in charge: Nader Tehrani
Project Coordinator: Brandon Clifford
Project Team: Monica Ponce de Leon, Arthur Chang, Remon Alberts, Catie Newell, Jumanah Jamal, Aishah Al Sager, Janghwan Cheon, Richard Lee, Aude-Line Duliere, Jiyoung Park
Fabricators: C.W. Keller & Associates
Shawn Keller, David Anderson
Structural Engineer: Simpson Gumpertz & Heger: Matthew H. Johnson