Please join us for a joint opening at the NADAAA Gallery and at pinkcomma for Freedomland and Drawing Surfaces:
pinkcomma gallery presents the second installment in its series on drawings. Keith Krumweide’s Freedomland envisions an American Dream where Tea Party populism meets landscape urbanism. The drawingsdemonstrate an example of architectural satire attuned to contemporary realities of politics and economics.
Friday, April 26 from 6-8 p.m.
For directions to pinkcomma, click here. |
NADAAA introduces Drawing Surfaces: Computing and a Vintage Pen Plotter. Carl Lostritto’s work explores the presence ofsurfaces in drawings made by computing the position, motion, and speed of felt-tip pens as they make contact with paper. This exhibit features a miniature plotter adapted for public use to create a collectively authored drawing.
Friday, April 26 from 7-9 p.m.
For directions to NADAAA, click here. |
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