Nader reviews ‘Thirteen Ways of Looking at a House’

Posted on April 10th, 2022 by Nicole Sakr

Posted under: Things We Like

The new book by Stella Betts and David Leven of LevenBetts is reviewed by Nader for Architectural Record.

“This book is a testament to how the ethic of iteration in architecture evolves into discipline […] with 13 themes and houses, each replete with wider cultural contexts that include literature, art, architectural precedents, and film. Open House, Campsite, Doors and Windows, Steps and Stairs, Corridors, Courtyards, Curtains, Plumbing, House Plants, Plans, Structures, Thick and Thin, Home—when listed like this, they appear as nothing more than benign architectural elements. But in the authors’ minds, each is conceptualized as an indispensable element of a mis-en-scène that anticipates the events that invariably get acted out, with each one serving as another protagonist onstage.”

Read on HERE.

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