Diane Lewis: In Memoriam

Posted on May 16th, 2019 by Nicole Sakr

Posted under: Academic, The Cooper Union

“The combination of fierce charisma, a fighting spirit, and a stubborn intellectual posture defined her living days, and in hindsight, we come to appreciate the sum of it as an ambition for all of us to emulate. A tireless protagonist, she would conduct reviews that would end some five hours after the end of the day; her love of debate through the jousting of words, ideas, and positions defined the many events she hosted. Lewis left behind many things, but her most recent book, Open City: Existential Urbanity, will serve as a document of the many pedagogies she explored, the constellations of ideas she sponsored, and the platforms of debate she invented.”

More from Nader’s memorial published in the Journal of Architectural Education a/to issue HERE.

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