Nader contributed an essay entitled ‘The Architectural Grain to longtime collaborator John Wardle Architects’ THIS BUILDING LIKES ME book.
In what turned out to be a fortuitous turn of events, John Wardle was out of the country when we were to lecture together at the University of Melbourne – this in a bid to win the commission for the new Melbourne School of Design (MSD) building. John was unfazed, although he understood how important it was for us to speak as one on the same podium. Coming together – not as the traditional, international-local shotgun marriage, but as a true collaboration – we had yet to prove how we could bridge the Pacific to convene on the same conceptual platform. Sharing a common intuition, we had not actually worked together; we could only interpret commonalities through a series of projects that, in our minds, could be construed as blood relatives, no matter how far apart they were conceived and built.
Read on to see how NADAAA and JWA’s shared affinity of the ‘grain’ helped us form an unforgettable collaboration HERE.
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