In an interview with The Province, John Patkau spoke about Nader’s preface in Patkau Architect’s newly released book, ‘Material Operations’.
Q: The term intellectual recalibration is used in the preface. Is that like a clearing of the mind? How did or does resetting effect your work right now?
A: Those are Nader Tehrani’s carefully chosen words, so I ought not speak for him. Perhaps what he sees is something like a shift in perspective, a new or renewed focus of attention. Intellectual calibration is a curious idea. Instruments are calibrated to fixed standards of reference so how does one calibrate an intellect? Perhaps it is in reference to some small part of the world perceived to be changing, as opposed to a standard intellectual reference. In that case, a means of calibration would be to choose something and then pay close attention to what is happening with it. If that’s right, then we are calibrating. We are trying to pay very close attention and Material Operations is a new account into which that payment is made. Perhaps your question is: What kind of return does such a payment yield? For us, the answer seems to be: An activated and informed imagination.

Patkau Architect’s One Fold Project
To read Nader’s preface for ‘Material Operations’ click HERE.
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