Record’s Matt Hickman takes a look at NADAAA and HDR’s collaboration in mass timber at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Architecture as part of their current special issue. Check out the full digital version HERE.
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A new exhibit and festival at arc en rêve in Bordeaux will inspect the ways video contributes to the communication of architecture and space. NADAAA’s video ‘The Zayandeh-rud River Basin’, created for the 2021 Venice Biennale and winner of the TRANSFER Architecture Video Award, will be presented as a part of the exhibition. More information HERE.
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Nader reviews Carla Ferrer, Thomas Hildebrand, and Celina Marinez-Cañavate’s new book for Architectural Record. The book explores forest management and the “illusion of infinite bounty”, the “present architectural arms race to build enlightened wood structures”, and the future of timber.
“Composed of three segments, its various writers bring perspectives ranging in disciplines to allow for a broader cultural reading than any conventional book on wood technologies. Acknowledging the already present and looming crisis of climate change as a central protagonist, the book also positions the balance of merits and liabilities in developing an attitude toward the production of wood, allowing the readers to better understand how a sustainable production of wood is a plan that cannot occur as a single decision but as something that requires ongoing efforts over years, administrations, nations, and cultures.”
Aerial view of Lincoln Center campus from the East looking to the Hudson River. Photo by Iñaki Vinaixa, courtesy of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
NADAAA is collaborating with Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (LCPA) on an initiative to make its iconic New York City campus more welcoming and equitable. The initiative will focus on community and stakeholder engagement in collaboration with the nonprofit Hester Street. The primary goal of the process is to physically transform the Amsterdam Avenue side of campus and improve Damrosch Park to better serve Lincoln Center neighbors including the residents of the New York City Housing Authority campuses across Amsterdam Avenue and students of the nearby high schools.