Dear Clients, Colleagues, and Friends:
We wanted to update you regarding where NADAAA’s operation stands as we all confront the COVID-19 virus.
Your companies’ health and welfare, as well as that of our community and staff, is a top priority for us. Our firm has a robust technology platform that allows us to provide seamless service to all clients anywhere, anytime. Our team is meeting online every morning to go through project goals, deadlines, and priorities. We continue to meet with all teams each day to ensure the proper flow of information in order to meet deadlines. We will work to ensure as little disruption to your projects as we can accommodate.
Employee safety and wellness is a top priority, and we have implemented a firm-wide response plan prohibiting non-essential travel. We have a quarantine-with-pay protocol in place, should an employee be exposed to the virus or is sick in general. Every employee has a business laptop or home desktop with a robust BIM/communication support platform and may work from home if needed.
We intend to attend meetings via Webex, SKYPE, video, or phone calls; should an in-person meeting be required please let us know and we will set it up. That said, we respect that each employee has their own comfort level and we will allow them to act accordingly. In the event that employees are out sick, or unable to come to a meeting, we can make allocations for the principals to attend all necessary meetings, following appropriate physical-distancing protocols. In addition, we are sensitive to the uncertainty employees may be feeling and are communicating with them on an ongoing basis, reinforcing they can work from home and instilling confidence that we support them. The same goes for you and all of our clients. We are committed to you and getting through this period together.
Let’s keep the communication channels open. With respect, health, and safety!
Arthur Chang
Nader Tehrani
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