Demolition Sublime

Posted on March 3rd, 2015 by tberesford

Posted under: _Daniels Building, construction

Dispatches from 1 Spadina: ongoing demolition work has almost completely exposed the original north wall of Knox College (constructed 1875), which has revealed the layers of nearly 150 years of alterations and retrofits to serve uses as varied as academic, hospital, military, research, and mechanical plant space.



West face of the 1 Spadina east heritage wing, after demolition of 20th century additions.



East face of the 1 Spadina west heritage wing, after demolition of 19th and 20th century additions.



A view of the central tower block, looking south-east from the third floor level of a 20th century addition in the process of being demolished. Existing gothic arches are evident in the right foreground, which were originally expressed on the exterior. The larger relieving arch had been truncated by the installation of a concrete slab, which is now visible as a saw-cut section (with some reinforcing steel remaining to be cut). The new DFALD addition will lap over this slab edge onto the heritage roof beyond. New concrete blocks are visible at left, which enclose a retrofitted elevator shaft. Beyond, new buff replacement brick are visible at the gable of the central block.



View of the west wall of the original east wing. A palimpsest of previous interior wall finishes and various cut slabs and masonry construction has appeared between new and existing opening hoarded temporarily with sheathing.



View of 20th century addition at the southeast corner of the original 1 Spadina courtyard. Over the course of demolition, access has become restricted; here, ongoing structural separation work beyond the masonry wall in the foreground is accessible only via ladder through an existing portal. A slab-chipping machine is visible beyond at upper left.



Brick wythes are visible at a section of wall to host an enlarged opening for a doorway. Outer wythes are often infilled with rubble in the original construction. A section of former wood lintel is evident.



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