This may sum up Domus’s Matteo Mirani’s review of The Cooper Union’s EOYS: “You have to experience it. Go to the website”
“Pause. Yes, you have to pause and digest the above. Understanding and enhancing the importance of the notion of “space” and “time” in a school of architecture is a pedagogical statement. The works of the students are on show within the limitations given by the somehow “real” physicality of the space in a given time in history. The works exhibited are dealing with the “friction” embedded in the real space while responding to our times. We are in our field here, architecture. The digital, accurate reconstruction of the school’s space at this time, filled with the students’ works seems fulfilling the mission of the school: the dialogue and the coexistence of different ideas that move forward the disciplinary knowledge in our field.”
Read all Mirani has to say about Cooper’s ambitious digital show HERE.
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