On the NECESSITY of Messy Research

Posted on July 29th, 2019 by Dara Lin

Posted under: Academic

The second volume of The Changing Shape of Architecture continues to explore research in architectural practice and its transformational impact through a series of writings. In his essay, Brandon Clifford writes “on the necessity of messy research,” as demonstrated through several of Nader Tehrani’s works.

“When analyzed through a microscope, creative research appears schizophrenic. One project might develop a brilliant innovation, only to be contradicted in the next. If one is looking for a linear narrative in a body of work, they will likely look past these movements of complexity and contradiction. But, in order to look beyond the superficial answers and dig into the questions that drive these individuals, one must embrace and engage these moments of messy contradiction directly.

Tehrani is an ideal candidate for this form of perversion analysis because his work is geometrically rigorous and materially disciplined, and yet it has a sense of humor. It contains all the hallmarks of world class research within each case study, but it is littered with landmines of contradiction.”

Read the entire essay HERE and purchase the volume HERE.

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