Nader Tehrani will be a speaker On November 30, 2011 for Integrated Vision: Urban Planning . He will talk about the challenges involved in designing and transforming the city. Read more about the program here.
The economic alibis for the “Smart City” have been well-argued and even become a reality in certain global arenas. The question remains what the role of smart design is in a new context where the radical advent of specialization, globalization and media explosion has made it such that the disciplines that once maintained strict boundaries within architecture, urban design, industrial design and their allied fields can no longer claim such clear delineation; if this is perceived as a liability, architects have also potentially gained an even more strategic position in collaborative platforms that need to synthesize a complex array of information, disciplines and techniques. The future of smart cities relies on the ability to invest in formal, spatial and material speculations that have the potential to innovate. It relies in smart design.
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