Rhodolphe el-Khoury interviews Nader in ‘CALL TO ORDER’

Posted on March 12th, 2018 by Nicole Sakr

Posted under: Academic

The University of Miami’s School of Architecture has just published ‘CALL TO ORDER: Sustaining Simplicity in Architecture’. The first in a series of books, CALL TO ORDER suggests re-grounding the discipline of architecture with a renewed interest in simplicity, precedent, history, and typology and explores architects that are challenging new construction technologies in favor of simplicity. The book is edited by Carrie Penabad with contributions by Jean Francois Lejeune, Esteban Salcedo, Katherine Wheeler, Steven Fett, Edgar Sarli, Adib Cúre, Matteo Ghidoni, and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. Dean el-Khoury interviewed Nader on how NADAAA’s work in some ways aligns and in some ways does not align with CALL TO ORDER‘s agenda.

“I suspect that much of what drives the current sensibility and the reappraisal of type is the result of what we have lost as a discipline in engaging the city. That which has been taken over by real estate forces, privatization, community participation, or any other such force that tends to marginalize the disciplinary priorities of architecture, can now be counter-acted by the power of the type: sometimes using the power of strong form as a symbol of what architecture can do at the urban scale, but also sometimes as a supple system that engages the complexity of the city around it.”

Read the full interview HERE.


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